War of the Currents: Thomas Edison vs Nikola Tesla Twenty-First Century Books, 2013
In the late 1800s, two great scientists disagreed heatedly over the best and safest way to supply electricity to homes and businesses throughout the nation. The story of electricity is a story of scandal and rivalry, intrigue and genius.
Tinker V. Des Moines: Students Right to Free Speech: Debating Legal Issues Enslow, 2006
Wearing black armbands to protest the Vietnam War in violation of their school’s rules, John Tinker and Christopher Eckhardt were suspended from classes. Believing that the right to free speech was violated, they took their lawsuit all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court.
The Bakke Case and the Affirmative Action Debate: Debating Legal Issues Enslow, 2005
After Alan Bakke was denied acceptance at the University of California at Davis’s medical school, he learned that some class positions had been reserved for members of minority groups. The court case he filed to protest inspired intense debate on both sides.
Lau V. Nichols: Bilingual Education in Public Schools Enslow, 2000
When Kinny Lau started first grade in 1969, he was one of about 3000 students who spoke primarily Chinese. Should these children and others whose first language was not English receive special instructions? In a unanimous decision, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the children were entitled to an education that fit their specific language needs.